DISCIPLE II: Into the Word, Into the World" is a thirty-two week study of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts. Participants will have a Study Manual that assigns the daily readings. Participants will need to plan on 30-45 minutes every day to read the Assignments, and spend 2 1/2 hours in class once a week. The study will begin mid-August, 2021 and end early May, 2022 with holiday breaks in the schedule. In addition to reading Scripture, DISCIPLE II will teach you a variety of Bible reading skills to help you go deeper in your understanding of Scripture. By going deeper into Scripture, the Scriptures will go deeper into you, shaping your character as a follower of Jesus. It is our promise: You will not be the same person at the end of DISCIPLE
In addition to learning how to read Scripture at a deeper level, you will have the option to also learn and practice Spiritual Disciplines, gain a greater appreciation for the meaning and purpose of Sabbath, and use Bible Study resources to go deeper still into the meaning and significance of these Scriptures.
"I guarantee you will never read the Bible the same again after taking DISCIPLE."
DISCIPLE graduate and member of Marengo UMC.
*For more information, contact Pastor Steve Bullmer at Sfbull53@comcast.net